How can we solve a problem in a community in the UK by unlocking the power of 5G?
Out of the 2 million people living with allergies in the UK, 1.2 million have avoided eating out in the past 6 months with the fear of having an allergic reaction.
giffgaff is here to use the power of 5G to make lives for people with allergies similar to those without. By creating a community of Allergy Verified restaurants, allergy sufferers will be able to eat out with ease, gaining access to fast accurate data personalised to them.
Allergy Verified Badge
Restaurants who are on board with the Allergy Verified movement, will be able to display an Allergy Verified badge, to make it recognisable to allergy sufferers.
giffgaff app update
A native update to the giffgaff app will give members access to a list of restaurants who are a part of the Allergy Verified community.
By inputting your allergen into the app, you'll be given a personal list of restaurants catered to you; eliminating the time spent looking for allergy safe restaurants.
Live AR Data
Using your phones camera you'll see digital content and live AR data all powered by 5G, which flags up the dishes that contain your allergens whilst also showing you what is safe to eat.
You can view ingredient specifics to avoid the back and forth between the waiter, chef and you.
AR Enabled Personalised OOH Ad
AR enabled ads will give you personalised nearby restaurants suited to you, giving you directions straight to the door. Also handy when travelling due to language barriers or even just finding a new place to eat.